High Weight = High Risk for Disease
Low Weight = Low Risk for Disease
You might think that getting skinny is about looking good. However, that is not why you should be skinny. The truth is that it makes you more healthy. It has more of an impact on your risk factors for almost every major aging disease than anything else.So if you want to be healthy, get skinny first, and then worry about optimizing other factors in your health. Why do I say this? Because too many times people have become so hung up by hot topics that they do not do what it takes to lose weight. They are more worried about sodium or corn syrup or coconut oil than they are about seeing results in their bottom line. Guess what? If you are below 18% body fat for a girl and 11% for a guy, then a corn syrup filled caramel popcorn binge isn't going to matter much so long as it doesn't make you gain weight. However, carrying around even a small amount of extra fat on your body can significantly increase your risk factors for all sorts of diseases.
Get skinny, then worry about optimizing other health factors.
*If you are currently high risk or already have health issues due to your weight or other factors, talk to your doctor first before starting any diet or exercise program.